Interdisciplinary Network of Environmental and Sustainability Research SIRENE (Ulkoinen yksikkö)

Aktiviteetti: Jäsenyys seurassa tai verkostossa


The purpose of the SIRENE network is to bring together researchers in environmental and sustainability education and to increase the impact and visibility of these fields in the Finnish society. The network is used to strengthen the dialogue between the humanities and natural sciences and to build connections between scientific and artistic research.

SIRENE highlights environmental and sustainability perspectives in education and the society more strongly and cross-sectionally. The key is to convey knowledge between researchers and practitioners in the field. Sustainable solutions require more intense, in-depth interdisciplinary cooperation and research. The aim of SIRENE is to inspire discussion where multiple voices are heard. The members of the network believe that bold, interdisciplinary cooperation can give rise to new approaches to environmental and sustainability research and practice.

SIRENE aims to increase interaction between researchers and teachers, environmental educators, schools and educational institutions and other societal bodies. The results of studies conducted within the network can be utilized and applied not only in all levels of education, but also in the field of informal learning.
Aikajaksoelok. 2024
PidettyInterdisciplinary Network of Environmental and Sustainability Research SIRENE, Suomi
Tunnustuksen arvoNational

Country of activity

  • Suomi

Nature of activity

  • Ammatillinen