ISO/TC 215/JWG7 Joint ISO/TC 215 - IEC/SC 62A WG: Safe, effective and secure health software and health IT systems, including those incorporating medical devices (Ulkoinen yksikkö)

    Aktiviteetti: Nimitetty yhteiskunnallinen asiantuntija- tai luottamustehtävä


    Member of a standardisation working group
    Aikajakso2020 → …
    PidettyISO/TC 215/JWG7 Joint ISO/TC 215 - IEC/SC 62A WG: Safe, effective and secure health software and health IT systems, including those incorporating medical devices
    Tunnustuksen arvoInternational

    Country of activity

    • Suomi

    Publication forum classification

    • Ei tasoa

    Nature of activity

    • Ammatillinen