Reflecting the limits of reporting societal impact for research evaluation purposes - cases of UK and Norway

Aktiviteetti: Konferenssiesitelmä


Contributors: Muhonen , Reetta Tellmann Silje / Towards a Nordic Perspective on the Public Value of Social Sciences and Humanities Research (NORSSHVALUE) Working Group seminar, 20th-21st August 2019, School of Humanities, Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavik, Iceland, funded by NordForsk NOS-HS committee.
Aikajakso20 elok. 2019
Tapahtuman otsikkoSocial Sciences and Humanities Research Impact in the Nordic context: Understanding the contemporary state-of-the-art in international comparative perspective
Tapahtuman tyyppiOther
Tunnustuksen arvoInternational