Russia-EU Internationalisation of Higher Education: Cooperation, Competition and Lessons Learnt

Aktiviteetti: Konferenssiesitelmä


This webinar shares the lessons learnt from the implementation of the policies and practices of higher education cooperation between the EU and the countries which represent the largest educational systems on their continents, namely China, Russia, and Brazil. The speakers will present their findings as the authors and editors of the book 'Building Higher Education Cooperation with the EU: Challenges and Opportunities from Four Continents’ published in the series ‘Global Perspectives of Higher Education, the Brill.
We will discuss how the recent growth of competition, online communication and commitment to the rankings, factors which have influenced higher education at supranational, national and institutional levels, are being reshaped by national and university based cultures and by internationalisation activities. This is all taking place against a background of Brexit, geopolitical tensions and the COVID pandemic.
Aikajakso7 lokak. 2021
Tapahtuman otsikkoBuilding Higher Education Cooperation with the EU: Challenges and Opportunities from China, Russia and Brazil’, Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation, Lancaster University (CHERE LU), UK. International webinar
Tapahtuman tyyppiSeminar
SijaintiLancaster, Iso-BritanniaNäytä kartalla
Tunnustuksen arvoInternational

Country of activity

  • Britannia

Nature of activity

  • Tutkimuksellinen
  • Ammatillinen
  • Yhteiskunnallinen