Sino-Russian internationalisation at university level: Sustainability and collaborativeness

Aktiviteetti: Konferenssiesitelmä


Russian universities have recently intensified and diversified their internationalisation activites with Chinese partners. This have happened due to the goals of national internationalisation policy aimed to enhance the competitiveness and prestige of Russian universities in the world since 2012, and suspend of all kinds of cooperation with the vast majority of previous partners since 2022. Traditionally Russian universities targeted China as a source of incoming student mobility and (in less extent) research cooperation. Since 2022 collaborative (including joint and double) degreees and joint institutions with Chinese universities have been added to the list of international partnerships of Russian institutions. This presentation considers several case studies of Sino-Russian university partnerships focusing on similarities and differences of their regulatory arrangements at national and institutional level. In addition, the author compares managerial approaches used by Russian universities to manage their collaborative degrees with previous partners in Europe and current partners in China. The study particularly focuses of collaborativeness for Sino-Russian joint university initiatives understood as the extent to which international partners are able to align, harmonise, and integrate the regulatory arrangements of a collaborative degree to provide its sustainability. The sustainability of Sino-Russian internationalisation activities is discussed in the context of current global political economic challenges for university cooperation and competition.
Aikajakso6 kesäk. 2024
Tapahtuman otsikkoFrom Competition to Collaboration 10th HERA Conference: 10th Higher Education Research Association Conference
Tapahtuman tyyppiConference
SijaintiTaipei, TaiwanNäytä kartalla
Tunnustuksen arvoInternational

Country of activity

  • Taiwan

Nature of activity

  • Tutkimuksellinen
  • Ammatillinen