The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI) (Ulkoinen yksikkö)

    Aktiviteetti: Jäsenyys seurassa tai verkostossa


    A member of the Finnish national mirror committee of CEN/TC 33

    A member of the Finnish national mirror committee CEN/TC 33 coordinated by the Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT, a standards writing body for Finnish Standards Association SFS. Scope: Doors, windows, shutters, building hardware and curtain walling including the implementation of the fire resistance regulations of doors and windows.
    Aikajakso18 marrask. 2016 → …
    PidettyThe Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI), Suomi

    Country of activity

    • Suomi

    Nature of activity

    • Ammatillinen
    • Tutkimuksellinen