User participation in digital news: Cross-cultural studies of approaches by leading national news media

  • D Domingo (Speaker)
  • A Heinonen (Speaker)
  • S Paulussen (Speaker)
  • T Quandt (Speaker)
  • Z Reich (Speaker)
  • J Singer (Speaker)
  • M Vujnovic (Speaker)

    Aktiviteetti: Konferenssiesitelmä


    Contributors: Domingo D, Heinonen A, Paulussen S, Quandt T, Reich Z, Singer J, Vujnovic M
    Aikajakso23 heinäk. 2008
    Tapahtuman otsikkoThe 26th world congress of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
    Tapahtuman tyyppiOther
    Tunnustuksen arvoInternational