War and academic cooperation with Russia: why, how and whether to continue

Aktiviteetti: Konferenssiin, työryhmään, paneeliin, sessioon tai tutoriaaliin osallistuminen


The invasion of Ukraine by Russia froze international academic cooperation of European universities with Russian universities. The Finnish Ministry of Education recommended cutting all institutional ties with Russian HEIs.

The Russian Rector’s Union, with signatories from all major state universities, has expressed unconditional support for the war and the armed forces. However, not the whole university community in Russia has accepted the statement. Russian academics have circulated and signed several petitions condemning the war despite the fact that the freedom of speech has been reduced to close to zero with recent legislative changes. Some have argued that those Russian scholars or institutions who have opposed state actions should not be penalized through boycotts. At the same time, some argue that the boycotts toward Russian institutions and researchers should be tougher than they are now.

This event has been organized to discuss these questions. Can Ukraine and the sanctions policy be supported through academic boycotts? Should all ties with higher education institutions and scholars in Russia be cut? What is the impact of the boycotts on the future of science in Russia? How can academic cooperation be re-started in the future? What about Russian studies, can academic scholarship focusing on Russia be conducted without cooperation with Russian colleagues and/or access to the ‘field’? Our panelists will address these questions from many different perspectives and positions.
Aikajakso24 toukok. 2022
Tapahtuman tyyppiSeminar
SijaintiTampere, SuomiNäytä kartalla
Tunnustuksen arvoInternational

Country of activity

  • Suomi

Nature of activity

  • Tutkimuksellinen
  • Ammatillinen
  • Yhteiskunnallinen