Why European values filed in Russian higher education? The fell of 5-100 Project, the Potemkin Village of Russian internationalization policy

  • Shenderova, S. (Speaker)
  • Dominik Antonowicz (Contributor)
  • Jaworska Marta (Contributor)

Aktiviteetti: Konferenssiesitelmä


This article critically comprehends the nature of academic excellence initiatives in post-socialist higher education systems. We discuss why the Bologna reforms of national higher education are doomed on fail being solely based on internationalization considered through the world university rankings. The authors rely upon the empirical data and unfold a grim picture of the support Russia’s invasion to Ukraine and oppression of anti-war protests by the rector community of Russia seen as key internal university stakeholders. We particularly focus on actions of those rectors who promoted their universities as shared European academic values being supported by funding of 5-100 Russian Academic Excellence Project (2013-2020) and deeply involved into international collaborations with European partners. We explain how and why the internationalization policy of Russia paradoxically led to striking rejection of European academic values in Russia.
Aikajakso5 syysk. 2023
Tapahtuman otsikko45th Annual EAIR Forum (The European Higher Education Society)
Tapahtuman tyyppiConference
SijaintiLinz, ItävaltaNäytä kartalla
Tunnustuksen arvoInternational

Country of activity

  • Itävalta

Nature of activity

  • Tutkimuksellinen
  • Ammatillinen
  • Yhteiskunnallinen