The datasets uploaded within this record contain transcriptomics data of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis patients retrieved from the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus and EBI ArrayExpress repositories. Overall, we retrieved 39 transcriptomics datasets, produced through both DNA microarrays and RNA-Sequencing technologies, along with relative meta-data tables. After data collection, each dataset was quality checked and preprocessed in order to obtain a harmonised source of data, ready-to-use for the research community. Beside, a thorough quality check was carried out on the retrieved meta-data, and data dictionaries were created (both for DNA microarry and RNA-Seq datasets) in order to homogenise the phenotypic data, enabling the comparability across the datasets.
Koska saatavilla | 6 heinäk. 2020 |
- 3121 Sisätaudit
- 318 Lääketieteen bioteknologia