Centre for Immersive Visual Technologies - CIVIT

Laitteistot/tilat: Facility

Laitteiden yksityiskohdat


The Centre for Immersive Visual Technologies (CIVIT) provides research facilities and expertise in the sectors of visual content creation and representation of visual data, advanced displays, and user experience. Equipment includes multiple camera systems and rigs, active and passive range sensors; displays ranging from ultra-high definition and high-dynamic range, through stereoscopic and multi-view, to light-field and holographic prototypes; high-precision high-speed eye tracker and motion trackers. CIVIT is a valuable tool in the realization of many research projects in the area of ultra-realistic 3D scene capture and advanced visualisation as it allows access to an unprecedented level of high quality, state- of-the-art equipment in an economically efficient way.


Tutustu tutkimusalueisiin, joilla tätä laitetta on käytetty. Nämä merkinnät luodaan niihin liittyvien tuotosten perusteella. Yhdessä ne muodostavat ainutlaatuisen sormenjäljen.