Human City Design Award 2019

  • Ahlava, Antti (Recipient), Suominen, Jarmo (Recipient), Nieto Fernandez, Fernando (Recipient) & Vladykina, Natalia (Recipient)

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Seoul City and Seoul Design Foundation give out the “Human City Design Award“, an award that combines the concept of social design and global outlook as an organic entity. The award is given to the project, which has contributed to ensuring people and people, people and the society, people and the environment can create even more harmonious and sustainable relationships in design.
Tunnustuksen arvoInternational
Myöntävät organisaatiotSeoul Metropolitan Government

Myönnetty tapahtumassa

Tapahtuman otsikkoHuman City Design Award 2019 Ceremony
PaikkaSeoul Design Foundation, Seoul, Etelä-KoreaNäytä kartalla
Aikajakso1 heinäk. 2019 → 26 syysk. 2019
