International Listening Association Research Award 2021

Palkinto: Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta


The Listening Research Award is presented for outstanding achievement in research by an ILA member or group.

The ILA Research Award 2021 has been won by Dr. Anu Viljanmaa for her doctoral publication "Professionelle Zuhörkompetenz und Zuhörfilter beim Dialogdolmetschen". This work opens the reader to the intense and empathic listening skills required by professional interpreters and addresses the intellectual and emotional challenges faced by those who need to communicate through translation.
Tunnustuksen arvoInternational
Myöntävät organisaatiotInternational Listening Association (ILA)

Myönnetty tapahtumassa

Tapahtuman otsikko42nd Annual ILA Convention
PaikkaVirtual presence, , YhdysvallatNäytä kartalla
Aikajakso18 maalisk. 2021 → 20 maalisk. 2021
