A Method for Producing an Antenna Element of an Rfid Transponder

Juhani Virtanen (Keksijä)

    Tutkimustuotos: Patentti


    A method for producing a radio frequency identification transponder (100) comprises: - forming a first groove (C1) in a conductive sheet (70) such that a portion (OR1) of said conductive sheet (70) surrounds the first groove (C1), - attaching an RFID chip (50) to the conductive sheet (70) after the first groove (C1) has been formed such that the first groove (C1) is located between a first connecting element (52a) of the chip (50) and a second connecting element (52b) of the chip (50), and - forming a second groove (C2) in the conductive sheet (70) after the chip (50) has been attached so as to form an antenna element (10a) of said transponder (100).

    IPCH01Q 1/ 22 A I
    Prioriteetti päiväys29/11/12
    TilaJulkaistu - 22 syysk. 2014
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiH1 Myönnetty patentti


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