A Strap for a Portable Pulse Measuring Device and a Portable Pulse Measuring Device

Jari Nousiainen (Keksijä), Ilkka Korhonen (Keksijä), Jarkko Saunamäki (Keksijä), Jaakko Hattula (Keksijä)

    Tutkimustuotos: Patentti


    According to one aspect, there is provided a strap (102) for a pulse measuring device, wherein the strap (102) comprises an indicator (112) configured to indicate tightness of the strap. According to another aspect, there is provided a portable pulse measuring device comprising a strap (112) configured to fasten the portable pulse measuring device on a human; and a mechanical indicator (112) configured to indicate tightness of the strap.

    IPCA44B 11/ 00 A I
    Prioriteetti päiväys11/06/13
    TilaJulkaistu - 18 jouluk. 2014
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiH1 Myönnetty patentti


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