Building Higher Education Cooperation with the EU: Challenges and Opportunities from Four Continents

Elizabeth Balbachevsky (Toimittaja), Yuzhuo Cai (Toimittaja), Heather Eggins (Toimittaja), Svetlana Shenderova (Toimittaja), Elizabeth Balbachevsky, Laura Ballesteros, Nadine Burquel, Ana Maria Carneiro, Cintia Denise Granja, Klasien Hortsman, Merle Jacob, Mary-Louise Kearney, Patrício Langa, Hanwei Li, Magdalena Martinez, Evgeniya Popova, Creso M. Sá , Ulrich Teichler, Olga Ustyuzhantseva, Carl WolhuterGaoming Zheng, Olga Zvonareva

Tutkimustuotos: KokoomateosScientificvertaisarvioitu


International cooperation in higher education is not new, but gained new urgency in recent years with the expansion of the knowledge economy, the easy flow of communications and the emulation created by international rankings. In the European Union’s countries, international competition and the process of political and economic unification required national higher education institutions to give priority to international cooperation, while large countries such as Russia, China, Brazil and South Africa intensified their effort to modernise their institutions and link them to the international flow of science, technology and talent, leading similar trends in other countries in their regions. These global trends are shaped by the national culture and institutions of each country, and the existing national and international cooperation policies and instruments on all sides. In Building Higher Education Cooperation with the EU: Challenges and Opportunities from Four Continents, the authors look at how these interactions occur from the perspectives of the European Union and the countries involved and make recommendations on policies that could make international cooperation more fluid and beneficial to all parties involved.
ISBN (elektroninen)978-90-04-44542-0
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - 2020
OKM-julkaisutyyppiC2 Toimitettu teos
TapahtumaBuilding Higher Education Cooperation with the EU: Challenges and Opportunities from China, Russia and Brazil’, Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation, Lancaster University (CHERE LU), UK. International webinar - Centre of Higher Education Research and Evaluation, Lancaster University (CHERE LU), Lancaster, Iso-Britannia
Kesto: 21 lokak. 202121 lokak. 2021


NimiGlobal Perspectives on Higher Education
ISSN (painettu)2214-0859


  • Jufo-taso 1

!!ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education
  • Sociology and Political Science
  • Strategy and Management


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