Clinical Tear Fluid Proteomics: A Novel Tool in Glaucoma Research

Janika Nättinen, Ulla Aapola, Praveena Nukareddy, Hannu Uusitalo

    Tutkimustuotos: Katsausartikkelivertaisarvioitu

    7 Sitaatiot (Scopus)
    29 Lataukset (Pure)


    Tear fluid forms the outermost layer of the ocular surface and its characteristics and composition have been connected to various ocular surface diseases. As tear proteomics enables the non-invasive investigation of protein levels in the tear fluid, it has become an increasingly popular approach in ocular surface and systemic disease studies. Glaucoma, which is a set of multifactorial diseases affecting mainly the optic nerve and retinal ganglion cells, has also been studied using tear proteomics. In this condition, the complete set of pathophysiological changes occurring in the eye is not yet fully understood, and biomarkers for early diagnosis and accurate treatment selection are needed. More in-depth analyses of glaucoma tear proteomics have started to emerge only more recently with the implementation of LC-MS/MS and other modern technologies. The aim of this review was to examine the published data of the tear protein changes occurring during glaucoma, its topical treatment, and surgical interventions.

    JulkaisuInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences
    DOI - pysyväislinkit
    TilaJulkaistu - 2022
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiA2 Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä


    • Jufo-taso 1

    !!ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Catalysis
    • Molecular Biology
    • Spectroscopy
    • Computer Science Applications
    • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
    • Organic Chemistry
    • Inorganic Chemistry


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