Development of biomimetic glioma-on-chip containing neuronal and vascular networks to study tumor–cell interactions

    Tutkimustuotos: AbstraktiScientific


    Gliomas are primary brain tumors that can aggressively infiltrate into the surrounding brain tissue. Many glioma processes, such as invasion and progression, rely on the interactions with tumor and host cells, e.g., neurons and blood vessel forming endothelial and mural cells. Mimicking tissue architecture and physiology is also dependent on the 3D matrix and different cell types. Neurons and blood vessels structurally and functionally participate in the
    pathophysiology of gliomas. Crosstalk with glioma cells and blood vessels has been linked to neovascularization and glioma growth while neuronal functionality is orchestrated to enhance glioma progression. Neurons and vessels naturally interact with one another, and gliomas also disrupt this normal neurovascular crosstalk.
    Our aim is to provide a biomimetic 3D glioma-on-chip for studying the tumor-host cell interactions by incorporating glioma spheres into pre-existing neuronal and vascular networks, therefore mimicking the occurrence of gliomas in vivo. We recently developed a 3D neurovascular network on chip model [1] that will act as a base for the development of the novel model. The glioma-on-chip would help to gain insight to the mechanisms associated with neuronal and vascular communication with gliomas and further supports the understanding of glioma progression.
    TilaJulkaistu - syysk. 2023
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiEi OKM-tyyppiä
    TapahtumaVis à vis in the Brain: The Neuron-Glia Interface - Freiburg, Saksa
    Kesto: 13 syysk. 202315 syysk. 2023


    ConferenceVis à vis in the Brain: The Neuron-Glia Interface


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