Education Science Pocket Tutor: Skyrocket your thinking!

Kaisu Mälkki, Anette Mansikka-aho

Tutkimustuotos: KirjaAmmatillinen


The study-skill guide Pocket Tutor helps to build a launch pad of study skills that will catapult you into the universe of academic thinking. The universe of thinking is born of the ability to give up prevalent thought patterns and self-evidences. To let go of these, one needs criticality and creativity, which are strengthened by wise utilisation of research-based information. The Pocket Tutor leads the way to these matters. In the universe of thinking, it is possible to break free from gravity – the thought patterns prevalent in society. Taking a clear break from traditional views from time to time helps in identifying issues that require development, as well as those that need to be strengthened.

The Pocket Tutor encourages you in learning and supports you in examining your own thinking. It helps in entering and coping with the academic world, and aims to foster human tendencies in academic culture. The guide deals with the study skills and building blocks of expertise that are continuously needed over the course of university studies, but whose development is only rarely supported. The themes include thinking skills, theory and practice, reflection skills, co-operation skills, writing skills, development of professional identity and expertise, emotional skills, and creativity. The themes are considered both scientifically and from a student’s point-of-view. Supported by illustrations, the Pocket Tutor is simultaneously gently approachable, strictly scientific, and concretising in a practical way. This Pocket Tutor has been aimed at students of educational sciences. A large portion of the content, however, concerns general study skills, and is therefore suitable for students of other fields, too.
KustantajaTampere University
ISBN (elektroninen)978-952-03-2287-8
TilaJulkaistu - 2022
OKM-julkaisutyyppiD5 Ammatillinen kirja


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