High temperature corrosion properties of thermally sprayed ceramic oxide coatings

Davide Fantozzi, Jarkko Kiilakoski, Heli Koivuluoto, Petri Vuoristo, Mikko Uusitalo, Giovanni Bolelli, Veronica Testa, Luca Lusvarghi

    Tutkimustuotos: KonferenssiartikkeliScientificvertaisarvioitu

    1 Sitaatiot (Scopus)


    Oxides are chemically stable and wear resistant materials .
    Because of these properties, they are often applied as protective
    coatings in harsh environments. However, their chemical and
    mechanical stability at high temperature in chlorine containing
    environments is uncharted. These conditions are present in
    waste-to-energy and biomass boilers in which the currently
    available metallic and metal matrix composite coatings provide
    unsatisfactory protection. To be effective in these conditions the
    coatings should be chemically inert, erosion resistant and act as
    environmental barriers. For this purpose, this research studies
    the corrosion behavior and microstructural features of HVOF-
    and APS-sprayed Al2O3-, Cr2O3-, TiO2-based coatings. Their
    chemical stability was evaluated by high temperature corrosion
    testing of self-standing coatings under KCl salt deposit at 550,
    650 and 720 °C for the duration of 72 h.
    OtsikkoITSC2018-Proceedings of the Thermal Spray Conference
    AlaotsikkoOrlando, Florida, May 7-9, 2018
    ToimittajatF. Azarmi, K. Balani, T. Eden, T. Hussain, Y.-C. Lau, H. Li, K. Shinoda
    KustantajaASM International, Materials Park, OH
    ISBN (elektroninen)978-1-62708-160-3
    TilaJulkaistu - 2018
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiA4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
    TapahtumaInternational Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition -
    Kesto: 23 toukok. 2018 → …


    NimiProceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference
    ISSN (painettu)1341-3074


    ConferenceInternational Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition
    Ajanjakso23/05/18 → …


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