Lateral indentation and impact analyses on curved composite shells

Donato Di Vito, Tuomas Pärnänen, Jarno Jokinen, Olli Orell, Mikko Kanerva

    Tutkimustuotos: KonferenssiartikkeliTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu

    3 Sitaatiot (Scopus)
    57 Lataukset (Pure)


    In the framework of materials used for structural applications, reliability and adoption of specific materials for certain use is heavily influenced by its behavior upon impact, together with the capability of sustaining damage. Methods for measuring these features include, for example, indentation and low-velocity impact testing, which are generally performed on flat panels. However, geometry of the structure plays an important role in the impact properties of the final object; it should then be taken into account when simulating impact and damage.
    For this reason, numerical analysis of indentation and low-velocity impact on curved composite shells are presented in this work. The attention is mainly focused on the dynamic effects on the curved (half cylinder) panel under lateral impact. Models are created using a Finite Element (FE) software Abaqus (Simulia, Dassault Systemes). Respectively, indentation and low-velocity impact are compared using the implicit and the explicit solvers by also considering that deformation of the composite shape upon impact induces a change in the overall mechanical response of the shell. A sensitivity analysis on the failure parameters, as defined by the Hashin criterion, is also included in the analysis to better understand the role of the different failure parameters affecting failure onset. Finally, outputs of the FE analyses such as force and displacement of the indenter are compared to experimental results obtained by using a custom-made clamping system on a simple curved composite shell, in order to better highlight the discrepancies found via simulations.
    OtsikkoProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear
    AlaotsikkoFFW 2018, 9-10 July 2018, Ghent University, Belgium
    ToimittajatMagd Abdel Wahab
    ISBN (elektroninen)978-981-13-0411-8
    ISBN (painettu)978-981-13-0410-1
    DOI - pysyväislinkit
    TilaJulkaistu - 2018
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiA4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
    TapahtumaInternational Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear -
    Kesto: 29 elok. 2018 → …


    NimiLecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
    ISSN (painettu)2195-4356


    ConferenceInternational Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear
    Ajanjakso29/08/18 → …


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