Mathematical Communication as a Meaning-making Process : A study of Preservice Class Teachers’ Perspective

Tutkimustuotos: Diplomityö tai pro gradu -työ


The importance of communication in mathematics has increased since empirical evidence pointing out the relationship between mathematical communication and meaningful learning emerged in the 2000s. However, the classroom still is a quiet and independent environment without a clear explanation, and previous studies mainly focused on the knowledge for teaching. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the perceptions of Preservice Class Teachers’ (PCT) on communication as a meaning-making process in mathematics teaching and learning based on their past schooling experience and new experience in the Teacher Training Programme (TTP). Among PCTs in the University of Tampere and Kokkola University Consortium Cyrenius, 35 participants responded to the online survey from December 2021 to January 2022. The survey consisted of 41 Likert-scale items based on the previous instruments and 4 Open-ended items. Questionnaire analysis results using SPSS and coding processes were integrated into joint displays used in convergent mixed methods. There are two major findings. First, most participants showed constructivist views on mathematical beliefs and had positive learning experiences in TTP. Nevertheless, they tended to focus on different components of communication for future teaching based on their previous experience. Second, PCTs regarded the meaning of evaluation in communication as a score and recognized the relationship between communication and academic achievement was weak. Therefore, this study supports existing studies showing positive mathematics experience in TTP can strengthen their constructivist mathematical beliefs. In addition, it suggests that creating environments for mathematical communication and assessing students' learning process is an essential part of the TTP.
TilaJulkaistu - 25 toukok. 2022
Julkaistu ulkoisestiKyllä
OKM-julkaisutyyppiG2 Pro gradu, diplomityö, ylempi amk-opinnäytetyö


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