Openly available MEA dataset from hPSC-derived and rat cortical networks and associated data analysis pipeline

    Tutkimustuotos: AbstraktiScientific


    We introduce a comparative dataset (over 2 TB) of microelectrode array (MEA) recordings from human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived and rat embryonic cortical neurons [1,2]. The data include extracellularly recorded spontaneous activity during the functional development of these neuronal networks and pharmacological experiments at their mature stage. The
    dataset is openly available for scientific community [2]. Furthermore, we developed a comprehensive analysis pipeline for MEA recordings. Our
    pipeline includes efficient tools for the analysis of spikes (extracellular action potentials), single channel bursts (dense time series of spikes) and network bursts (bursts synchronously occurring in multiple electrodes) (see Figure 1). The part of the analysis code is published together with the dataset [2] to replicate the key scientific findings of the original publication [1].
    TilaJulkaistu - heinäk. 2022
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiEi OKM-tyyppiä
    TapahtumaMEA Meeting 2022 - Tübingen, Saksa
    Kesto: 6 heinäk. 20228 heinäk. 2022


    ConferenceMEA Meeting 2022


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