Particle number concentrations in office spaces around Europe

Laura Salo, Ville Silvonen, Tuomas Raunima, Michal Vojtisek-Lom, Jakub Ondracek, Jan Topinka, Roel P.F. Schins, Teemu Lepistö, Henna Lintusaari, Sanna Saarikoski, Luis M.F. Barreira, Jussi Hoivala, Lassi Markkula, Ilpo Kulmala, Juha Vinha, Panu Karjalainen, Topi Rönkkö

Tutkimustuotos: KonferenssiartikkeliTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu


In this work, we investigated indoor air particle number concentrations and their size distributions in four office spaces in Europe. We used an Electrical low-pressure impactor (ELPI+) to enable high time-resolution, as well as a wide size range of particles (here 16 nm to 1 µm). In addition to indoor air concentrations, we report the concurrent outdoor concentrations and their relationship to one another. Infiltration factors ranged from 0.22 to 0.6 and the contribution of indoor sources was from 6 % to 51 %. Mechanically ventilated buildings had less infiltration. The number concentrations in two offices were always above the “low” threshold value given by the World Health Organization.

Otsikko18th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2024
KustantajaInternational Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)
ISBN (elektroninen)9798331306816
TilaJulkaistu - 2024
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
TapahtumaInternational Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Sustaining the Indoor Air Revolution: Raise Your Impact - Honolulu, Yhdysvallat
Kesto: 7 heinäk. 202411 heinäk. 2024
Konferenssinumero: 18


ConferenceInternational Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
LyhennettäINDOOR AIR 2024


  • Jufo-taso 0

!!ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pollution


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