Piloting a Smart Rollator: User Experiences with Technology-Related Motivation and Physical Activity

Tage Orenius, Susanna Paloniemi, Heikki Hurri, Olli Kuusisto, Leena Ristolainen, Antti Tolonen, Anu Seisto, Heba Sourkatti, Anna Sachinopoulou, Tapio Leppänen, Luc Cluitmans, Timo Urhemaa, Anne Railo-Granfelt, Angelos Balatsas-Lekkas, Mark Van Gils

    Tutkimustuotos: ArtikkeliTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu

    20 Lataukset (Pure)


    Background: Improved life expectancy combined with suboptimal physical activity (PA) represents an increasingly salient public health challenge among the elderly. PA in late life is associated with fewer health problems in old age. Assistive information and commu-nication technology might improve PA and alleviate health problems among the elderly. Objective: This pilot study aimed to quantitatively measure the motivational aspects re-lated to rollator use and, by using qualitative interviews, outline how a Smart Rollator solu-tion would motivate older adults to increase their PA in their everyday lives. Method: A total of 19 subjects between the ages of 63 and 91 years participated in the study. Half of the participants started in a setting in which the application did not provide feedback to the user, and the other half received feedback. A transition occurred (ordinary rollator to Smart Rollator and vice versa) after two months of usage. Motivational aspects were meas-ured before the use of the rollator and after four months. Semi-structured qualitative inter-views were conducted with 10 participants to acquire information about their experiences. Results: On the motivation questionnaire, self-perceived mental vitality showed a signifi-cant decrease at follow-up, but the total score did not change. Three different types of Smart Rollator users were identified based on the interview data: enthusiastic, practical, and disappointed users. The user types differed from each other, especially regarding user experiences concerning the smart features and intelligent features of the rollator. Conclusion: We conclude that the individual variations in terms of benefiting from the use of the Smart Rollator were large and that some users reported clear advantages using the Smart Rollator. The Smart Rollator elicited emotional reactions and affection, as well as frustration if the user was not able to benefit from the Smart Rollator as expected. Larger sample size is warranted to thoroughly specify the relations between the use of a Smart Rollator, user experiences, and PA.

    DOI - pysyväislinkit
    TilaJulkaistu - 2021
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiA1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä


    The research project received the approval (HUS/491/2018) of the Ethical Committee of Helsinki University Hospital (HUS). Each participant was given an information form, and the research assistant read it to them and clarified the course of the study, after which they provided their consent to participate. This project was financed by the Academy of Finland (313898). We thank the occupational therapists Johanna Kuisma and Salla Tahkolahti at Laakso Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, for helping with the recruitment of participants. We warmly thank psychologist Esko Sil?n for his help in structuring and conducting qualitative interviews. An oral presentation of the results of the study has been provided: Paloniemi S. ?Does Smart Rollator support the daily lives of elderly adults?? At research days for adult education. Rovaniemi, Finland 13-14 February 2020. The research project received the approval (HUS/491/2018) of the Ethical Committee of Helsinki University Hospital (HUS). Each participant was given an information form, and the research assistant read it to them and clarified the course of the study, after which they provided their consent to participate. This project was financed by the Academy of Finland (313898). We thank the occupational therapists Johanna Kuisma and Salla Tahkolahti at Laakso Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, for helping with the recruitment of participants. We warmly thank psychologist Esko Silén for his help in structuring and conducting qualitative interviews. An oral presentation of the results of the study has been provided: Paloniemi S. “Does Smart Rollator support the daily lives of elderly adults?” At research days for adult education. Rovaniemi, Finland 13-14 February 2020.


    • Jufo-taso 1

    !!ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Biomedical Engineering
    • Gerontology
    • Geriatrics and Gerontology


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