title = "Towards automation security research and training environment",
abstract = "An automation system is a networked software product in hardware intensive environment and requires more than normal IT security skills. Building an automation security research and training environment for automation requires knowledge on the internal workings of an automation system as well as creative approach on how to keep the system secure where needed, and broken when required for development and teaching purposes. The main challenges are to combine the amount of automation specific hardware and to create good practices which keep the need for maintenance, versatility and pedagogical aspects in balance. This paper presents a project called TUTCyberLabs, the learned lessons and the design decisions. The main focus is on Department of Automation Science and Engineering environment ASECyberLab.",
author = "Jari Sepp{\"a}l{\"a} and Mikko Salmenper{\"a} and Hannu Koivisto and Jarmo Harju and Sami Repo and John Holmstr{\"o}m and Pasi Ahonen",
note = "ORG=ase,0.8 ORG=tie,0.1 ORG=dee,0.1; Automaatioseminaari ; Conference date: 01-01-1980",
year = "2015",
month = mar,
day = "18",
language = "English",
series = "SAS Julkaisusarja",
publisher = "Suomen Automaatioseura ry",
booktitle = "Proceedings of Automaatio XXI, The Industrial Revolution of Internet – From Intelligent Devices to Networked Intelligence",